Front and Center


October 23, 1997
Dear Diktator,
     My husband, God rest his soul, of sixty years, recently passed away.  The really sad thing was that I was too old to keep up with upkeep of our home of 56 years.  My children had all had their own lives to attend to and I just didn't know what I was going to do or who I could turn to. 
     One day at church I just crumbled and began to cry.  That's when Chris turned around and handed me a tissue.  He asked me what was wrong and my sob story just poured from out.
     Chris listened quietly and then patted me on the shoulder saying to leave it to him.  The next night my house burned to the ground and I am now retired in Florida with the insurance money thanks to Chris, my personal hero.  More people should be like this model of an outstanding citizen.
Sandy Younger
Eloe, Florida






Stud of the Week

This distinguished award goes out to the man who proves himself time and time again to be selfless and incredibly tall.  Being a stud requires a lot of charm, debonair, and skills.  How do we at Make A Diktator Foundation choose such a worthy man?  From of course you, the loyal fans.  This week, our lucky prick is none other than Christopher Robert Booth, 6'5".
May 5, 1999
To Whom It May Concern:
Because of my out of control abuse of alcohol, I lost everything I ever held dear to my heart.  I had no family, friends, job or home.  I was a shell of man who used to mean something.  But one day I was begging for money, not for food or a a blanket, but for my sick obsession and habit, booze, I tapped Mr. Booth on the shoulder and asked him to spare a dime.  He asked me why I was so pathetic and I gave him my story.  He listened and his eyes filled with compassion.  "I know a good guy when I see one and you just need help, please let me help you."  I was overwhelmed by his kindness.  He went into the liquor store and came back out with a bottle of Bicardi 151.  He then proceeded to make me drink it through my nose and then broke the top of the bottle off and shoved it up my butt.  After being beaten within an inch of my life and being hospitalized, I was cured.  We need more people like this man, someone who cares enough to do something about stuff.  I no longer drink alcohol, I am too busy trying to learn to walk again and have to drink my food through a straw. 
Bob Hatchet
Tula, Florida
July 15, 2000
Dear Diktator,     I used to not believe in angels on earth but then I met the one and only Chris Booth.  I was 8 months along in my pregnancy when he happened to be in the same elevator as me.  After I got over his stunning good looks and great cologne, I felt immediately at ease with him.  Unfortunately, our elevator was stopped between floors and my fear of elevators shook me so badly that I went into labor.  Panic took me over and I went into hysterics, but none of this seemed to faze this brilliant young man.  He took off his jacket and propped me up against it while holding my hand and telling me to relax.  He explained to me in simple terms that he was a huge fan of E.R. so he knew what to do.  But luck would fail us again, I was having a difficult birth and Chris said that I wasn't dilating properly.  And then, just like Mcgyver, Chris began to jump on my stomach with all his might.  Five minutes later, I was holding my beautiful, perfect and darling triplets, Christina, Christa, and Chris Jr..  Soon after the elevator doors opened up and the ambulance was there waiting for me.  He just walked out and I never heard from him again.  I may not be able to have kids anymore so I am lucky that I had three when I had the chance.  Please find this gallant knight for me and thank him from the bottom of my heart.
Kelly Duvall
Langer, CA

December 11, 1998
Dear Diktator,
     Growing up is hard today especially with all those teen magazines that send off the message that ultra skinny is the only kind of sexy there is. 
     Ever since I was fourteen I had a horrible eating disorder.  While I was at summer camp, Chris was my counselor.  During lunch one day Chris asked me why I never ate when everyone else did and I guess through my answers and his brilliant deduction skills, he figured out what was going on in my head.
     He turned to me and shouted as loud as he could, "Look, you're pretty chunky and that's that.  Some guys like that kind of pea but butter if you can catch my meaning through that chunky layer of skin between your ears and your brain.  No matter how much you starve yourself you are never going to look like those really hot babes.   So stop worrying about it.  If you are worried about guys just know that they think with their other hats if you know what I mean.  Eventually one of them will either get dared, bored, desperate or drunk enough to have you.  Eat up Miss Piggy!"
     I didn't believe him right off, but the last week of camp we got really drunk and he proved to me how I could get guys on my very own.
     Find Chris for the paternity test please!
Jessica K. Stillwaters
Inglewood, Utah